Man, there sure is a selection of smokeless powders these days. I can’t really say that one company is consistently better than the others. The problem is that there is too much selection. Different combinations of components that promise one-hole accuracy can overwhelm the reloader (and overwhelm his pocketbook).
I have decided to make this section of my reloading web better and easier to navigate. After all it is these basic component questions that seem to be very popular topics most everywhere on the web. I see a lot of varmint hunters for example repeating the same questions. "What is the ultimate <fill in blank> load?" I am here to tell you kids, I don’t know… Every time I think I got all figured out, I have a real bad day. I will say this though, "I will not bullshit you". Get a chronograph, find a 300-yard range, take all your reloading stuff out the field, and start shooting. I have a lot of definite opinions on what does what. These would include: the effects of moly, bullet seating, stick vs. ball powders, primers, etc. Most of my opinions have been formed only recently. I am not a competitive bench shooter, nor am I an experienced high-power shooter. I am just a regular Joe who hates to miss, ever! There are some very simple premises that I like to follow: